
On Sunday, the ERCOT Weather Watch goes into effect due to higher temperatures and increased electricity demand.

ERCOT Weather Watch takes effect Sunday amid higher forecasted temperatures, electricity demand

Due to increased demand for electricity and higher temperatures, the ERCOT Weather Watch goes into effect on Sunday.

A weather conditions watch takes impacts Sunday and is supposed to endure through Friday, June 30 in the midst of higher guage temperatures and higher power interest, ERCOT declared.

ERCOT predicts that the power grid will operate normally. The purpose of the weather watch alert is to let people know about significant weather that is predicted. People are advised to keep an eye on the grid conditions even though no action is required.

According to Ed Hirs, an energy fellow and economics professor at the University of Houston, this is part of ERCOT’s ongoing effort to be more open with the public following the 2021 winter storm, which knocked out power to millions of people.

They are attempting to warn us that it will be extremely hot. The grid will experience some stress. Hirs stated, “Not that you have to do anything, but maybe you should be prepared to.”

To cool off, families went to North Texas’ free splash pads on Saturday. One in Arlington was attended by Kenika Bell and her children.

Because it changes daily, you just have to deal with it and work with it. Bell stated, “When it gets hot, it gets hot.” The key is that. Keep hydrated. Make sure you have plenty of water and other fluids. If you don’t have something to eat, the heat wave will kill you.

Jennifer Vega of Arlington said she was used to the heat because she was originally from Houston.

“Oh yes, but this summer, it seems like it’s been very, very hot,” Vega said. “Last year, it was hot. But this year, it’s tremendous.”

Weather watch alerts are a start, but according to Hirs, the Texas Legislature still needs to do more to make the grid more resilient and reliable.

Texas continues to expand. Numerous businesses and individuals continue to move in. He stated, “The capacity to maintain regular electricity across the grid is decreasing day by day.” We need to act in a positive way. We must construct plants on the grid. We can’t just be passive-aggressive; maybe it will happen or we’ll provide the right incentives.

As per ERCOT, another June top interest record was set on June 19, which shows the chance of another unsurpassed pinnacle request record one week from now.